Fall Update    September 21 2018
Now that summer is a distant memory, I have been busy planning and submitting classes for next year's teaching schedule. There are a few dates that are up in the air so I have yet to post information about these events. I will be having my next three day home workshop in early October. The class is called Home is Where the Heart Is and students will be embellishing three wonderful house-shaped structures using a plethora of techniques. Looking forward to this fun time together. The next home workshop will be in March. We are also closing in on our trip to San Miguel de Allende....this year is our 9th year there and we seem to never tire of this charming locale. We take 30 lucky people with us each year, many of whom have been with us previously....and that is a testimony to how great of an experience it is. If you would like to be on my Newsletter list and find out more information about teaching dates, etc, please email me at Laurie@mikaarts.com.

Busy studio time    July 17 2018
The middle of summer has actually provided some much needed time in the studio. I was able to create four new pieces for the upcoming show at the Hive gallery in LA that I dropped off this past weekend. I also created two pieces for a Tarot show here in San Diego. Didn't get into that show....but you win some and you lose some! On top of that I have been trying to get caught up on a few things to take to the vendor show at Art Unraveled in Phoenix the first week of August....so the studio has been a hive of activity! I still have room in the collaborative class at Art Unraveled called Heavy Metal Journaling that I am team teaching with Katherine England. The journals will be gorgeous so come join us in the desert in August! lol, I know that sounds hot, but we spend a glorious week of creating INDOORS where temps are perfect!

May/June update    May 23 2018
As summer approaches, my calendar continues to fill. I am heading off to the East Coast to teach in Maryland and Virginia. Fortunately I have had some time in my studio of late to catch up on some projects but also to create a new body of work for an upcoming show at The Hive Gallery in Los Angeles later this summer. The title of the show, Sexy Beasts, led to a variety of mythic female creatures inspired by alchemy and Medieval illustrations. I always enjoy the challenge of having a "prompt" to inspire new ideas and ways to see. I have also had a friend create some ceramic clay substrates of hands and hearts and have enjoyed experimenting with covering ceramic clay with polymer clay. Polymer clay's versatility never ceases to amaze me. My next upcoming workshop after teaching on the East Coast will be Art Unraveled. Please check out my Workshop page for further information on my upcoming classes.

Marching on....    March 12 2018
Prescott was so much fun....many thanks to Kat Kirby who hosted my workshop there and many thanks to all of the wonderful people who joined me for Outside the Box. I am now looking forward to my annual March boutique, home workshop at the end of the month. It is called Vintage Shoe Shrines and we will be covering old shoe forms from Mexico with clay and handmade milagros. This workshop is sold out but I will be soon enrolling for my October three day workshop at my home. In other exciting news, two of my pieces were selected for inclusion at a group show at La Luz de Jesus gallery in Los Angeles. The show runs until April 1st so if you are in the area, make sure to drop by! It was VERY tough getting into this show as they had thousands of submissions. I have been working on some new edgier pieces influenced by alchemy and I am enjoying this new direction in my work. I have so many ideas for new pieces!

2018!!    January 03 2018
Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and creative new year. The new year brings a very full year of travel and teaching. All of my workshops are listed on the Workshop page of my website. If something new pops up, I will add that to the list. I'm starting the year off with a trip to Southeast Asia which I am really looking forward to as I have never been to this part of the world and Angkor Wat has been on the bucket list for quite some time! Sure to be inspirational. When I return, I will be heading to my first teaching engagement at Art and Soul in Portland. While one of my three classes is sold out, there is availability in my other two classes. That event is quickly followed by a two day class in Prescott Arizona at Kat Kirby's fabulous studio....and so goes the year! Lots of art, travel and family gatherings...I feel very fortunate! Here's to your new year, hoping it is filled with everything that makes your heart sing!

Talmadge art show....    November 16 2017
Just wanted to let you know that the annual Talmadge art show will be happening this Sunday, November 19 at Liberty Station. More info can be found at www.talmadgeartshow.com. It is a great show to find unique, OOAK gifts for the holiday season and your chance to help support the many artists who make their living through the arts. I have been doing this show since it was actually in Sharon's backyard in Talmadge over 20 years ago! On another note, we just returned from our trip to San Miguel during Day of the Dead. The workshop was fabulous and the entire trip was just plain magical. I came home with a treasure trove of fabulous finds to alter and actually had my first day in the studio in weeks! It is always so inspiring being in Mexico and I always come home ready to get to work creating new pieces.

Fall is upon us!    September 26 2017
As we head into one of my favorite seasons, it seems summer was just here. But the cool evening temps and the crisp days foreshadow the coming months of Fall. It has certainly been a rough couple of months with the hurricanes and earthquakes. My heart aches for those who have lost everything. I am taking part in a fundraiser for CERF-Craft Emergency Relief Fund,that will be raising money,that will be matched by Etsy, for artists who have lost their studios and livelihoods. I will post information on Facebook about this fundraiser when it becomes available. October is always a busy time for me. I will be hosting the third boutique workshop at my home at the beginning of the month and then I am off to Mexico for our annual Day of the Dead retreat. For more information, please email me or check out the Workshops page on my website.

O Canada!    August 15 2017
Just in between trips....from Alaska to Phoenix and now off to Canada, it has been a busy few weeks! I have managed to spend some time in my studio and just updated my Etsy shop. Looking forward to teaching at Elitia Hart's studio in Calgary. Elitia does amazing embossed metal work. (www.pewterart.ca)Hope the summer is treating you well....as it speeds by!

Happy 4th    July 02 2017
Just returned from a month long trip to Europe. It was wonderful seeing so many inspiring pieces of art that we hadn't seen before including two versions of Fra Angelico's Annunciation, one of my favorite religious paintings. We also took in amazing architecture including Palladio's Rotunda in Vicenza. Now that I am back in my studio, I am preparing for a busy summer that includes teaching on an Alaska bound cruise ship! Should be a very unique experience and one that I am looking forward to. That is closely followed by Art Unraveled in Phoenix, yes, blazing hot in August but still a great event! Then I am off to Canada to teach in Elitia Hart's studio in Calgary. Lots to keep me busy and traveling this summer, that's for sure. Wishing you all a very happy Independence Day!

Hope Springs Eternal    April 24 2017
Spring is always a super busy time around my studio. It seems as if most teaching engagements happen in the spring and fall. I recently returned from teaching at Art is you in Santa Rosa. It was great to combine a little wine/beer tasting along with teaching and vending. Thanks to all who joined me up north. Saturday night I attended the auction in Fullerton to benefit arts education in their public schools. My large polymer heart sold for 2000.00, all of which went to the program. That really warmed my heart and I am honored to have helped their worthy cause. Future news: Still room on the cruise to Alaska to clay and cruise. Check my workshop listings for more info. Also Art Unraveled just recently opened for registration. I will be team teaching our Sacred Tomes class with Katherine England! I also will be teaching a couple other fun classes called Bird in the Hand and Artful Objects II. Hope to see you somewhere on the trail!