a long time....    November 01 2013
Wow, so our six week RV adventure finally came to a close....and what an adventure it was! We were snowed in in South Dakota after an early season blizzard trapped us in our RV without electricity for 3 days! We were also affected by the government shutdown! But along the way we saw many friends and family members and all in all, it was a fantastic time. I did manage to get a few "snow days" which allowed me some time to create and get a few new pieces done for upcoming Fall shows. I was also able to get a few class proposals done as well. Since returning home, I have been in my studio a lot trying to catch up. Just created a new iphone case today! Towards the end of the month I will be participating in the Talmadge Art Show, followed by Carmel Valley Artists. I will also be selling some of my jewelry on Dec. 14 at Inspirations Gallery at Liberty Station. I am also included in a group show, Winged Things. (right up my alley!)All of these events have been updated in my Events section. I have also been included in few new books....with a few more to be published in 2014. I have a piece featured in Cynthia Tinapple's "Polymer Clay Global Perspectives" and Marybeth Shaw's "Stencil Girls". In 2014, I will have work featured in both Tracy Verdugo's and Jill Berry's books. So exciting things on the horizon. Stay tuned! I just updated some of my upcoming 2014 workshops. There are quite a few additional workshops that are waiting to be firmed up. I will add those when I know for sure!

Hitting the road....    September 07 2013
Going on a road trip! Will be spending time in various locations but I will not have access to my desktop to update my site....so things will be quiet around here for awhile BUT I have a suitcase full of supplies, a toaster oven and a whole lot of ideas swimming in my head for some new class ideas!! See you soon!

Summertime travels    August 10 2013
Returned from a whirlwind trip to Boston and Cape Cod which was quickly followed by Art Unraveled in Phoenix. In Boston I taught at Absolutely Everything which is an absolutely wonderful store with super nice people working there. My classes were wonderful as well. We had lots of fun exploring the area on the coast north of Boston with side trips to Salem, Rockport, Gloucester and Ipswich. What a beautiful part of the country. This was followed by a two day workshop in Falmouth, Cape Cod. It was my first time there and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute.I also enjoyed seeing the Signatures exhibition at Highfield Hall and was lucky enough to have my work exhibited with 14 other artists. We did some more exploring of the area and on the day we left, we stopped at Plymouth Rock. Fun to see where so much history played out (though I must say the rock was much smaller than I thought!)My visit there has inspired a new, large piece of art that I am just starting to work on. I love starting on a new piece, always so inspiring. The next stop was Art Unraveled in Phoenix. It was hot but we had a super time including visiting three museums when I wasn't teaching and hanging out with my cousin whom I hadn't see in many years. So far the summer has been great! Hope yours has been fun too.

Happy Independence Day    July 07 2013
The 4th of July has come and gone but I am still mindful of why we celebrate our independence. We watched a wonderful fireworks show down by the bay (the same one that all blew up at once last year!)Next week I am off to Boston and Cape Cod to teach. I am also excited to see the mosaic exhibition at Highfield Hall called Signatures where I have two pieces hanging! Looking forward to this trip and exploring Cape Cod for the first time! I barely return from this trip in time to unpack and repack for Art Unraveled in Phoenix....where I have all sold out classes! Wohoo! I know it will be hot but then again I will never leave the air conditioned hotel, so I won't even notice!! The fall promises to be exciting with a trip to South Africa and Mozambique. I am setting up a workshop in Johannesburg and one in Cape Town....so come join me! More on this later. I have actually had time in my studio to create some new artwork....needed to get ready for the vendor show at Art Unraveled, so you can check out the new pieces I just posted in my gallery!

June Update    June 13 2013
The sort of lazy days of summer are here! I have a month and a half off and in my studio before leaving for teaching engagements in Boston and Cape Cod. I have really been having fun working on new ideas using transfers. I can see a change in my work right now, away from tiny mosaic pieces into larger assemblage type work. I think this is partly a function of using a food processor to condition my clay. Now I have tons of clay on hand to roll out larger slabs....and I am looking forward to getting my new slab roller in the mail! CREATE mixed media art retreat was a resounding success! I had wonderful groups in each of my classes and it was so nice just to drive an hour away and be where I needed to be to teach, ovens and all! Please check out my blog if you are so inclined, I have pictures of my classes, student work and the new work I have been creating. My Boston classes are full but there is still room in Cape Cod if you would like to join me! Please email me and I can give you the details!

Time is a flying!    May 08 2013
Wow, here it is May. How did that happen? We are back from our Tesoro del Corazon mixed media art retreat in Santa Fe. We had an amazing time with 32 wonderful women from around the world joining us (yes, we had a gal from Norway!)The Inn and Spa at Loretto was as lovely as we knew it would be and with its central location, right off the plaza, it was the perfect venue. Everyone created beautiful art quilts. Pictures were posted at Tesorocorazon.blogspot.com and on my own blog at www.mikaarts.com/wordpress This spring has been jammed packed and its not letting up anytime soon. Next stop is Texas where I will be attending my niece's wedding and also teaching at Stamp Antonio once again. Will be back in So Cal just in time for CREATE mixed media art retreat in Irvine. Hope to see you on the trail someplace!

oops....    March 26 2013
So busy updating the ol blog and figuring out my Etsy store and posting to Facebook and teaching that I forgot I had a website for a second! (well more like a month!) Whew! Hard keeping up with all of these social media endeavors. I am just beginning the crazy part of the year with my teaching schedule. Just taught this past weekend in beautiful Santa Barbara. What a great class. Next up is a one day workshop at the studio of San Diego sculptor, Mary Buckman. It should be a wonderful day in a very inspiring venue. This is followed by a trip to SAMA up in Tacoma for their annual conference and exhibition which is at the Museum of Glass. (Chihuly's Museum). I am lucky enough to have gotten a piece juried into the exhibition this year. I am also teaching two of the days as well. Looking forward to seeing old mosaic buddies!

Big news!    February 20 2013
Well my big news is my blog...finally after years of sitting on the fence about having the time to blog...I jumped on the bandwagon!My hubby and son helped me put it together and I think it will be a great way to keep interested folks in the loop about where I am teaching and what I am working on. Hopefully the travel pics will also be inspiring! Just returned from a fabulous trip to Morelia which has already inspired some new work using some of the cool halos ("resplendores"-love that name in Spanish!) and monarch butterfly wings I collected there. I just wish there were more hours in a day!

Happy New Year!    January 26 2013
Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful 2013! It promises to be one of the busiest years yet with lots of teaching engagements across the country and over to France this Fall. Please check out the workshop page with new listings if you are interested in joining me for a workshop or two! I am pleased to announce that one of my mosaics, From Oz, was selected for inclusion in this year's prestigious MAI exhibition which will be held at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma. I will also have a few pieces in other upcoming shows this year including an invitational exhibition in Cape Cod called Signatures. I am also submitting work for an upcoming juried exhibition of contemporary polymer clay in Minnesota. So lots of exciting times ahead in 2013! By the way, we are nearly full for our Santa Fe retreat, so if you are sitting on the fence, now is the time to jump in!

December News    December 05 2012
Here we are back in holiday mode once again. Hard to believe another year has flown by. First of all, thanks to everyone who came (and bought) at the Talmadge Art show. I am so appreciative of your support. It was great fun seeing so many familiar faces. This Saturday, December 8, is Carmel Valley Artists. It is a wonderful show filled with perfect gift giving ideas that are local and handmade. Email me for more info! I just updated my workshops to reflect the events and venues happening in 2013. Do check back as I continue to update my workshops as the dates are confirmed. We still have a few spaces left in our upcoming Santa Fe mixed media art retreat. It will be a blast! We have also decided, because of popular demand, to go back to San Miguel for Day of the Dead, 2013. Yippee! Wishing you and yours all the best this holiday season and throughout the year. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!